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EN Ieva's story : Be aware of Mukan Ranko (Roger Bardales) CULT!!!

Updated: Jan 25

This is a story that needs to be heard by everyone, who have received an invitation to participate in the ceremonies of Mukan Ranko or his students.


I started my journey with the students of Mukan Ranko in 2018-2019. These are very bright and selfless people who wholeheartedly believe that they are serving a higher purpose and work with Christ consciousness alone. Some have been with Roger Bordales for more than 10 years, so the connection with this "teacher" is especially strong.


When I started attending Mukan Ranko's students' ceremonies I was very impressed with the professional work that I had never seen before in any other ceremony and I had done a lot of them before, in all sorts of places with different medicines, so I do have a lot of experience to be able to appreciate the really extraordinary quality and precision of the work . The tools used by Mukan Ranko's disciples are truly masterful. In his first year, his students helped clear the messy work of other shamans, neutralize the energies of other plants, and greatly balance structures.

However, in the very first ceremony I attended with his students, I met some kind of being of light standing before me, whom I swore to serve, because it just felt right at the time, as if I had to swear to serve a higher power. It wasn't until later that I realized that during the apprentice ceremonies, Roger energetically also enters the space and chooses people who he then invites to Peru and there is a whole scheme to tie people down so that they lose their independence and become dependent on him... Also I always thought it was very strange that during the ceremonies I saw many dark visions, as if everything is shrouded in some kind of darkness... But I did not pay attention to it, because the work of the students was really very effective.


So I attended the student ceremonies very consistently. I strictly refused to work with other shamans or medicine. Nothing can be mixed, nothing can be done independently. Sexual abstinence diet is very important. I consistently attended ceremonies, followed a diet, and took this work very seriously. A lot has changed in a couple of years. Finally, I felt like I wanted to divorce my husband and felt a strong call to be a shaman and go to Peru. I had felt this call before, but it wasn't until a few years later that all the circumstances led to the fact that I finally decided to go, because it just seemed that my whole life started to fall apart... The shamans kept saying that they had been waiting for me for a long time.


I want to point out that the shamanic path seems to be a real sanctity and great aspiration while being in this sect. When you look at Mukan Ranko's students, they look super pure and just the embodiment of divinity. So you want to become one of them, you want to be holy and without sin, but as it turned out later, this is a huge manipulation... It starts to seem that you are special and unique because you are called to walk this path. The disciples of Mukan Ranko have fallen into these traps themselves, they do not realize where they are and they believe in everything. It is the basis of their life.


After about 3 years of visiting Mukan Ranko's students in ceremonies, I finally met the "maestro" live when he came to Europe. The first meeting was very, very impressive. You can say I lost my mind because of him, I didn't understand what was happening. During the ceremony, he kissed me for real and put a ring (energetic) on my finger. He also came to lay with me after the ceremony. At that point it looked really amazing! I felt very special and loved. It seemed that I would actually be his wife and shaman. Now that I write it, it really seems funny, but realize that at that time there was very strong magic and charms with the help of ayahuasca, so it was very difficult to distinguish the truth. I believed in him 110% percent and absolutely decided to give my whole life to him and, what is most important, I decided to give all my money to him from then on too! Because he's worth it! He is God's gift to the world. It felt and looked very natural to me.


Although at that time, while he was in Europe, a woman I knew immediately after the ceremony with tears in her eyes, very lost, confessed to me that she had undergone a special treatment at night and the "maestro" made love to her, thus "giving" her his seed, as very strong the gift of spiritual evolution and she had to pay 30'000 EUR for it. At that time, I calmed my mind and just talked to the student shamans about what this was all about and they confirmed that he sometimes does these things to solve problems in the entire lineage and even on the masculine side. In fact, I believed in him so strongly and was so in awe of him that it somehow seemed logical at the time and I was even open to experiencing such a thing myself. It seemed really very magical and special, so under the most powerful charms, I was still determined to go to Peru, even after learning this fact.


Anyone who even tried to show me that maybe there was something different than what I saw seemed to me like the greatest representatives of darkness possessed by demons. In reality, their medicine works exactly like this, it creates a very strong separation from others. Everyone around is worse, less powerful, less professional and this is the first sign of a cult, but it is really impossible to realize it at the beginning...


So it was time for my trip to Peru. Before the event, there were a lot of doubts and problems. I couldn't withdraw all the money I wanted to give to Mukan Ranko. At that time, I was willing to pay 10,000 EUR for a dieta of one month. I left during the lunar eclipse, the plane was delayed. By the way, the first time I planned to go, it didn't work out, the tickets were simply canceled. One of my best friends also went with me. We agreed to meet up at the Lima airport hotel.


We were soon in Pucalpa and wanted to spend the first night in a comfortable hotel, but the "maestro" insisted that we stay at his house because the hotel has bad energy. We went to his house, where the conditions were very terrible, there was no water, it was just terrible... The rooms are just separated by curtains, although this is how the people of Pucalpa usually live, but it really seemed terrible to us. Well, we still were committed to the diet, so in the grand sceme of things, one night in such conditions is survivable. The next day we went to the jungle. We felt very happy. My birthday was coming up. It felt like I was finally back home, that I was where I needed to be.


We took a boat and arrived at the Mukan Ranko camp, which is built with borrowed money from the disciples, who simply borrow from the people who attend their ceremonies. I myself had already given about 5,000 EUR to students who asked for help while in Peru.


The feeling upon arrival is ambiguous. The nature is very beautiful and inspiring, but being in the main space where the dining room and the Mukan Ranko bed is, is very strange... A big roof is made of leaves and a big cross is hanging in the middle. I don't know if I had ever seen some kind of documentary about a sect based in the jungle and there was a similar image in it or from where, but that cross looked very strange to me...


When everyone arrives, they have to set up their own cabin, which means buying a mattress, mosquito net, bedding, towels, everything. It doesn't matter how much you pay, but you have to do this yourself, and since we had just arrived and we didn't have the cabins set up yet, they temporarily accommodated us in the main space and gave us the "maestro's" bed to sleep in, because he doesn't stay here anyway.


There was no pre-planned schedule of ceremonies. Everything is regulated by "maestro's" moods, so it is not clear when the next ceremony will be. Besides us, there were also some Europeans and other students of Mukan Ranko in the camp.


We lived in a common area, where at night the rats ran around because the kitchen was full of food. Sometimes they ran on our bed. Soon I became very ill. My left side started to hurt a lot, I thought processes were going on. I was coughing, the temperature was rising... Really very unpleasant. One day, in front of everyone else, the "maestro" came to the camp and gave me a healing massage, during which he ran his hands over my bare breasts. Everyone saw it, but no one reacted. Because everything the "maestro" does is sacred. Well, I didn't really care at the time either, because I wanted to get well, and if it helps, so be it. And I actually felt much better the next day.


I want to emphasize that the tools used by Mukan Ranko are really very effective and powerful. Otherwise, he wouldn't even have been able to create what he has now. A community of many bright people who trust him unconditionally and borrow from others to give him money. He can do many things that a person wants and asks, so it is very easy to believe in him when he gets results.


We were always promised that there would be a ceremony tonight, but it never happened. "Maestro" himself felt bad, coughed stiffly, I also felt that there was tension between him and some of his male students. The jealousy from one of his students was very clear, it seemed he was simply jealous of the new influx of women for "maestro", because he already knew what he was going to do with them...


By the way, there is a very strict order in the camp. If a woman is menstruating, not only she is not allowed to take part in the ceremony, but even wash up in the same showers as other residents of the village, she also cannot go to common areas and must prepare food separately. I later learned that in the Ayahuasca community it is said to beware of a shaman who does not allow women to participate in the ceremony during menstruation, especially women should be careful with such a "shaman". I looked at this fact as something strange, but accepted it as their own unique order, like everything else.


It must be understood that most Mukan Ranko students have not experienced ceremonies with anyone else. This is their first and only shaman, so they have nothing to compare to, how things really happen elsewhere, so everything seems very normal and acceptable to them. They also receive a lot of tools and training from the "maestro" on how to manage medicine, which is exactly why they are so devoted to him.


So the day of the ceremony was approaching. It was the eve of my birthday. However, during the day, the apprentice of the "maestro" announced that Mukan Ranko would not come because and that the apprentice would conduct the ceremony for us. Somewhere inside I was glad that he wouldn't come. It seems that deep down there was still an intuitive knowledge that something was wrong here, no matter how strongly the magic worked. Just before the ceremony, a huge dragonfly landed on the ground in front of me. This is a symbol of a very sudden change, I have not yet understood what that change will be about...


So we stepped into the ceremony space, all sacredly dressed and in the mood to drink medicine. Just before taking the medicine there was an engine sound and the lights came on. Mukan Ranko arrived. Something inside of me felt a deep fear... We started the ceremony and at the beginning he called me and my friend outside one by one. When I first went out, he was sitting on the hammock, he asked me to sit next to him. Medicine was still working very weakly, so I understood everything perfectly. He was just blowing mapacho on my stomach and it looked like he was doing some kind of cleansing, and my intention was to heal the body, so it really looked good. I thanked him and went back to the hall. After a while I called my friend, she took a little longer, but also came back. The medicine was already working strongly and then I heard him calling me outside again. I was in a really deep state, everything looked very nice, after all it's my birthday! Mukan Ranko began to sing me a special plant song, the so-called Icara. Since I understand a little Spanish, I understood that it was about the stars, so I really enjoyed it, spinning in circles and looking up at the starry sky. Then suddenly it began to seem that he completely understood me and my soul. He could feel my pain, he hugged me, I started to cry, but very soon he stopped my crying and offered to follow him. In that state, it seemed like some super special adventure, he led me by the hand through the jungle and brought me to a log house where there was no one. He led me to the bedroom. I did not understand how I undressed myself, everything seemed normal and now we will make love. Everything is fine. I lay down. He started kissing my body. I felt quite well and relaxed, but when I got close to the intimate parts, I suddenly saw a falcon descending from the sky at lightning speed, which instantly woke me up. I sat down and started to cry. It was as if I had come out of some kind of hypnosis. Where am I, what am I doing here? What's going on here? Although I seem to have understood everything, my mind was kind of lulled. He asked me to get dressed and that I would call over my friend to him. I left alone, in complete shock. In this state I also had to figure out how to get back to the hall through the dark jungle...


When I came back, I felt super clear, even though I was still feeling the medicine strongly. I felt more clearly the surrounding energies and attempts to harm me. I felt very strong within myself and felt a lot of anger about what had happened and how my trust had been taken advantage of. I told my friend that the "maestro" is inviting her to the room, but I strongly do not recommend her to go there. My friend refused to go. Then another girl was invited, she went and came back. Then the last girl was called who took a little longer but also came back after a while. It turns out that all the girls were offered sex that night. The girl, who was sitting on my right, refused, and the other one, who went to the "maestro", agreed to accept the holy gift for liberation. After the ceremony, the shaman girl invited me to talk. She asked me what happened, I told her. She then asked me "but it happened in your visions?" I said "NO! It really happened!" I continued the story, then she asked me the same question again, "but it was happening in your vision, right?" I said "no! It actually happened." I said I want to talk to Roger. We went to the house but he was fast asleep and we didn't manage to wake him up so I went to bed too.


In the morning, I was woken up and invited to chat. I was in a very deep state, just after medicine and sleep, it was hard enough to think straight, so from my perspective it really wasn't the best time to talk, but they knew this very well and took the opportunity to explain the whole situation, how this was a treatment and that everything that happened was needed. There was a kind of fog over the eyes and actually, strange as it was, I believed them, it seemed that everything was actually fine. I went to rest in the same bed. But when I lay down on it, all the memories came back and I started crying again. I jumped out of bed in horror! I ran to my friend, told her that I couldn't rest. The shaman and the 'maestro' were still in the space at the time, saw what happened to me, brought aqua florida, which is the shamanic tool they had already sung spells into, gave me a sniff and again said everything was fine. Today was my birthday and they would go into town to buy me a cake , and in the meantime I could get ready to move things into my cabin that I will be living in during my diet. Again it made things very positive so I just let it go and started packing to move into the cabin.


Thanks to my spirit guides and angels, that day the shaman driving the car together with the "maestro" had a minor accident and they could no longer come to the campsite. I had a lot of free time to myself, with my shamanic tools that I use on my own, I was able to connect to my channel without interruption and receive vital information! My spirit guides showed me that I needed to pack up in the morning and get out of here as soon as possible, so I made a very firm decision. I was also told that I need to continue traveling to Brazil. I didn't know where or with whom, but the action plan and direction were clear.


Well, I asked to be taken to the city. Of course, I had to go straight to the maestro's house to talk again. I was connected to a video chat with another shaman in Lithuania over the phone (she was like an older sister to me, whom I trusted a lot all the time), she told me what, how, why happened and tried to prove to me that this is my process about not trusting men... And it is possible to believe in this, but not this time when I received clear instructions from my spirit guides. So after talking for a long enough time, we all went to eat together. After eating, the "maestro" tried to convince me to participate at least one more night, after which everything will become clear to me, what, how and why was happening , but I was well aware that one more night with medicine means more space for his magic and charms, which would affect my consciousness 110% and everything would definitely look good. I did not agree and asked to return the money. He tried to get away with saying that the money was gone because he had spent it in an accident. However, he saw how strong I am in myself and that he would definitely have to give me that money. While leaving the table, he said that he is the only real man in my life. Omg... How funny... Really? :D


Later, I was finally at the hotel and got a text from the girl who was thinking about leaving that she was coming to my place and had also left! What wonderful news! I helped another soul escape. It's a pity, but my friend decided to stay... It turns out that she had already accepted the "gift" and it really seemed to her that here was the healing essence that she had been waiting for all her life. It's been a year, she's still there... And nothing can be done... Nothing can be done against spells and magic of such power...


I got my money the next day. He passed them on through one of my favorite students of his, a shaman, which actually makes me very sad that he is stuck there when he could be free to enjoy his life….


Really sad for all of them. All of his students are very wonderful people. Able to carry so much light and do wonderful things in this world. But we have to accept that there is a reason why their souls chose such a path and such strong contracts with these destructive energies that work through this shaman.


In the end, I am extremely grateful for this experience. Whatever happened, I have learned a lot about shamanism and energies during all these years of being in this community. I've also had the opportunity to loudly inform others about the behind the scenes of this community, which I hope will help the people who have already been attracted to this path, to think over do they really need to go to Peru and be shamans? Maybe you can already bring light and love to the world without any super shady initiations?


Another thing I would like to emphasize is that natural medicine, the mother plant ayahuaska is a completely neutral tool that can be used for various purposes. She, like God, does not judge. Therefore, this is in no way about ayahuasca. World is truly full of wonderful shamans who work honestly and cleanly, without any desire to take over the medicine's message or take over people's lives. There are shamans who heal and help from the heart and desire to share.


However, what is happening in this community is the greatest spiritual crime when viewed from the perspective of shamanism. Ayahuaska plus sexual energy is a tool of incredible power that can engage souls for more than one reincarnation. As I later researched, it is a contract of thousands of lives. Enchanted karma for many lifetimes unless this contract is terminated by the one involved. So be careful which shaman you choose to work with. I really hope my story was useful and I could be of service to you. Thank you for being there. I thank myself for being brave and choosing super extreme experiences. Because of them, I probably solved all my karma in a very short time :D So I'm going to enjoy my wonderful life :D Thanks for all the lessons!

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