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EN Santa's story

Updated: Jan 26

Hi guys, Viktorija here. I just wanted to mention a few little things that happened after publishing this website, before you read Santa's story (Thank you Santa so much, I really resonate with your story a lot :) ).

Roger contacted my husband with a "Hi friend, happy New Year" message followed by "Por que abla y publica muy mal de mi persona tu esposa que mal echo contra ustedes y su familia.", I used google translate (if you know Spanish and I misunderstood, please let me know!) but what I understand it means is "Because your wife speaks so badly about me publicly, what kind of evil has she brought onto you and your family" - as in "bad karma?" For speaking "bad" about this "God's gift for humanity"?... Well, if speaking the truth about somebody is bad, then, maybe they are doing some bad things :) Also, funny how he wrote to my husband, not me. But this does not surprise me, because "women aren't really responsible for themselves, their husband is", right? :).

On another note, we also received some interesting insights from men from South America. It seems that even culturally in Peru it is considered a rise in status to sleep with a white woman, even if it is non - consensual. Also, people there tend to think that Western women are really promiscuous and want "it" (Santa's story illustrates that quite well). I really wanted to think that this is just one person's crazy cult, but, sadly, there seems to be tendencies that are not limited to a single person, so I urge you to be extremely careful if you are a woman considering Shamanic dieta in Peru (especially travelling alone). For women, I highly recommend reading this article to learn to spot red flags:

Santa's story:

My story with this maestro started in the summer of 2022. For me, that was a time when I decided that I want to fully dedicate myself to become an Ayahuasca healer, I felt so connected to this path and I saw so much greatness in it. Although, my path has never been an easy one, I’ve encountered quite a few dark situations but nothing like this one with Mukanranko. I've worked before with a few different shamans and Medicine traditions from Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Spain, Estonia. 

I was speaking to a “friend” of mine about my wish to walk the Medicine path and he suggested to meet Roger - the absolute best Maestro out there, by his words. This guy had already been done a few shamanic diets with this shaman and knew him a few years so I trusted that this really is a sign since I was looking for a teacher right at that time. 

Soon enough, I found myself in the ceremonies of Rogers students in Europe. The maestro himself had issues with flights so he couldn’t manage to come. I was still happy since I also wanted to become his student so it was great for me to see how they work. For a great surprise, in the first ceremony I experienced absolutely nothing and that was not usual for me since I’m very sensitive to the Medicine. I felt a sense of distrust that night but all that I blamed to my own inner issues, fears etc. The next night, though, was very powerful and I liked to see the work of the students, they seemed so professional, so pure, so dedicated, they sang in such a beautiful way. All of them seemed so honest but at the same time I also felt that they seemed…. empty. But I shook off this feeling and convinced myself that they have to be this way in order to do such a heavy spiritual work. I was almost like hypnotized by them, I wanted to join them so much! 

After a few weeks I traveled to another European country to meet the Maestro himself and to apply as an apprentice. I knew I have to give up most of my life, finances, and close to everything in order to walk this path and I was so ready to do it! The moment I met the Maestro, I had so many confusing emotions and sensations. For about an hour I was in a state of a panic attack and that surely is not something usual for me. I thought that all my “darkness” got triggered by the light of this shaman so I was happy about these sensations. I thought it was a good sign (God, what was I thinking!).

The students then translated to the Maestro my wish to become a student, he said he'll take a look if that's a path for me in the ceremony. I was so excited! The ceremony was special, the visions were strong, I felt so accepted and seen. The Maestro came to me to sing a very special song for a long time and I felt so blessed. I could feel how he sees all my life through the visions and how he's protecting me against all the dark forces I encountered before in my previous ceremonies with other shamans. The next morning his students came to me and welcomed me in the family. I made it! I was so happy. I could speak a bit of Spanish so he came to me a talked so much - how special I am, how special my path is, how special his protection is and when studying with him I'll be able to travel the world and heal so many people. He listed all the countries he's travelling to, how he's speaking to the governments of the countries to legalize Ayahuasca etc. Then about the importance of the union between the masculine and the feminine. I listened with an interest. I saw a spiritual brother in him and I was so grateful I've met him. Although at the same time I had a few concerns at the back of my head - why does he seem to be so material, he dressed like a narco dealer rockstar and was clearly showing off all the stuff he had. He requested gifts to be brought to him by all the students. He was constantly surrounded by his female students - young beautiful girls and all that vibe was a bit off to me but once again - I wrote it off to my own messed up mind. Later on when I asked my friend about all these outer expressions of the shaman - he answered that Roger needs to hide, he needs to put on a mask so the enemies don't see his true power. I don't know how I bought this nonsense but I did - in order to have this experience that reminded me once and for all to trust my gut feeling. 

Ok, so the next night, I went to the ceremony feeling very special, Roger looks at me and smiles and I feel so seen and valued. This night truly was powerful because Roger asked me to sing with him and his students. Not the Shipibo songs, of course, but in my own manner and since singing was so important to me, I felt initiated and empowered. Roger was very happy when he heard me singing. Then he came to me and did an “initiation”, he sang to me and started touching my chest. Right at that moment I had a one-second thought - this is not right. He should not be doing this. But then fast enough my mind was covered with visions of blessings and protection and whatever else he was doing at that moment. He went under my dress with his hands and thankfully I had a bra on so he couldn't touch my brests but he surely was aiming for that. And me in my full-on naivete trusted that this is how it should happen, despite the “little red flags” going wild in the back of my mind. And then the strangest thing happened. At some point closer to the end of the ceremony, I noticed Roger walking into the toilet. I don't know why but that got my attention, I started having some strange sensations, I remember he was in there for quite a while. When he walked out I felt a strong pull to also to go the toilet, I tried to get rid of it but I couldn't so I finally stood up and walked there. When I entered I noticed a very strange thing. There was a shower with a curtain and for the whole night the curtain was open, I remembered it because I came to the toilet a few times before. This time the curtain was closed and behind it there was a candle put so close to the curtain that it seemed it could catch fire any second. I quickly removed the candle and opened the curtain again, I felt very strange because I was absolutely sure this was not the way it was before. I went back to my place but this strange situation stayed in my mind. I still don't have any idea if this meant something and if it was something that someone did intentionally because this could turn out to be a serious life-threatening situation. 

The next day Roger came to me again, talking all his nonsense for such a long time, talking about how enemies attack him constantly, how much he's suffered from Colombians, how Colombians are bad, knowing that I've had experiences with Colombian shamans before. He mentioned that I needed serious cleansing and asked when I was about to come to Peru. Knowing all the amounts people were paying for this experience, I felt a bit bad because I didn't have even close to such money. I knew that the reason he's asking all this money is that whoever wants to become a real Maestro has to live in poverty and own absolutely nothing in order not to be attached to the material goods. That was the story my friend told me and when asked about Maestros way of life which seemed to be all about money and fame, he replied that Maestro has had his years in poverty in the jungle while studying the way of the Plants and now he could fulfill his material dreams. Again, what a nonsense but I did buy it. So when I said I only had around 5000 euros to pay, Roger calmed me that it's all good - I just need to find friends who'll support me further on. I didn't think too much about that, I was sure of his pure intentions and I was sure my money will be enough for whatever I needed to learn there and if I'll need more - the money will come, I was ready to barrow if needed. 

Fast forward a few months, I arrived in Peru in the last days of October. So full of joy, hope and excitement. One of his oldest students met me and showed around, brought me to Rogers house. Roger took us to a restaurant, his wife and some friends and family members were there. Then the student took me to the camp in the jungle. Everything seemed very nice, welcoming, I felt at home. There was supposed to be a ceremony right the next day but it got canceled. And so it was many times, there were supposed to be 2 or 3 ceremonies each week but in the end within the month I spent there I only had 3 ceremonies. The reasons were different - too much rain, too many clouds, Roger not feeling well, etc.

I started my apprenticeship with another girl from Germany with whom we quickly became friends and started sharing everything. I remember both of us talking about how strange is that Roger is so materialistic, that he's showing his kids such a “shallow” way of life while being this “enlightened” shaman. And also how he's exploiting half-naked women in his music videos. It seemed so wrong but both of us thought that there must be a greater reason for this, it's just that our shallow western minds couldn't understand it. Also, it seemed strange that there were some tabu topics that the enslaved students didn't talk about and didn't answer any questions. About why we couldn't go to other shamans, why we couldn't use other Medicines, about why Roger does things the way he does them…

So finally the first ceremony came and the “action” started. To me, it was an eventful night with many meaningful visions, challenges and cleansings etc. And then, in the middle of the ceremony when I had the strongest visions, one of the senior female students came to me and asked me out of the ceremony room. She guided me to sit down right at the entrance, she smoked the pipe and looked very serious. I realised that something meaningful is going to happen. She was saying to me that female shamans are very special to Roger and in this night he wants to give me this very special gift that he's only giving to the most special Maestras. It's the gift from the plants, it's an initiation and protection for me to become a truly powerful maestra. In my mind I was thinking that she's going to give me the pipe, because I knew these pipes were super special in the process so I got quite excited about it until she finally said that I can receive this gift via a sexual intercourse with the maestro. For a moment, I went in sort of a shock and couldn't even understand what is she saying. So many things went through me in just a few seconds, my mind got very focused and clear at that moment despite the fact that I was under strong Medicine. I remember feeling so disappointed for a second, like my whole world is falling apart. The thing I said was - no, there is no way I will do this. Then she looked at me and said to me - what are you afraid of? And I felt like I've been pulled into this idea, I was thinking that maybe it's not so bad, maybe I should consider, maybe…. But then a clearing came again, my mind came back to itself and I stated very firmly - I am afraid of nothing. This is my body and no one will touch it. To which she answered - well, see for yourself. Or something similar, not in a positive & understanding way. But then it got even more twisted and manipulated when a new wave of visions entered my mind stating that this has been a TEST. I remember a vision of Roger come congratulating me that I'm so strong and I've passed a very important test. When I came back inside the ceremony room and sat down, one of the senior students came to me to sing a song of welcome to the family. That now I'm a true Mukanranko family member etc etc. I felt so blessed and happy! What a crazy test! 

The next day the fellow student asked me if I've accepted the offer and I laughed it off saying - no way - to which she answered that she didn't want to accept it as well but clearly she was in a different state so I felt a bit confused. To her, it was not a test but I said nothing thinking that each of us are going through different tests and challenges. 

Then the dieta started and for 5 days we were sitting in our huts and drinking the plant mixtures. Many strange things happened and that is normal in such environments but I got very convinced that everything around was under spells of Roger - the plants, the animals, the land, the bugs, everything. It all worked for Roger and every event and situation was manipulated by Rogers magic. This may sound strange to some, so you may dismiss it but it is an important aspect to understand - on what levels these people can manipulate to pull you in their cults. I remember having paranoic thoughts about what if this really is a sex cult and what if it truly is not as pure and nice as I thought it is. But I constantly was convincing myself that I need to trust, it's all honest and good, I'm safe and protected there. 

The second ceremony was right after the dieta. Nothing out of the ordinary happened there, it was a powerful ceremony - a regular Ayahuasca ceremony. Although, I did have visions of the maestro coming at me with a very sexual energy, him being naked and wanting to marry me but it felt like these visions are my own sick and twisted mind, that I'm the filthy one here.

One more thing I have to mention that raised some red flags once again in me. Every time Roger visited us in the camp, he could speak for hours and hours and it seemed like a complete nonsense what he as saying but the students listened to him like complete zombies. The energy was always so strange, it felt like they have no soul or personality when he arrived. And every single time he was speaking about how so many white girls were asking him to have sex and to marry them. And he was saying how he never accepts it, how hard it is for him to be in such a position where they come with all this lust and sexual energy. But he's very faithful to his wife etc etc. That did raise a concern in me - why on earth is he talking so much about this. And so many different strange things that I don't even remember anymore. But I had so many confused feelings when listening to him which of course again I blamed to me not understanding him, his culture and background. 

Finally, the last ceremony came. We've spent around 2 weeks before this ceremony just eating and doing nothing because the shaman coulnd't come and lead the ceremonies due to the many reasons I mentioned before. Two new girls joined us for healing diets. The ceremony started off strange and Roger arrived in the very last second. I noticed that he didn't even drink the Medicine but left the room right after the lights were put off. Then he called out one of the girls and she went out for a long time. I did not understand why is she out for so long but I also was in my own process so I didn't think too much about it. When she returned, the second girl was asked out and I remember she was away for a longer period as well and when she came back she seemed very distressed so that got me worried a bit but I thought that I should mind my own business. And then finally I got called out. Again, I thought something very special is going to happen and of course I had the best thoughts about it. But I do remember that I had some strong sexual energies following me. I went out, Roger was sitting in a hammock and I was asked to sit next to him. One of the senior students came with me and he did not seem to be doing well. Roger started to blow Tabacco smoke at me, whispering some words, doing cleansing or whatever that was. Then he took my hand, asked some questions about the Medicine, is it enough, is it good etc. And then he pointed to my belly and said there's a seed in me, it can grow very strong and mighty. Then looked at me for my reaction. Again, I was under strong medicine but my focus was clear. I thought he's talking about some future child of mine, so I put a hand on my belly and told him - I'll protect that seed. He said nothing more and told me to get the next girl out. So I went back in the ceremony room. Fun fact - there were 4 younger women and 1 older woman and he did not ask out the older one - so our man has a preference for younger ladies only. The last girl, the young apprentice, also went out for a longer time. And I remember someone from the students asking if they went to the main building of the camp, which I thought was strange - why would they need to go there. I still did not understand what was really going on there. 

Until the next day - when one of the girls said that maestro had used her sexually and the other two admitted that they've accepted the “initiation”. And one of them was not even there for apprenticing but to heal! I was in a very strange state after finding this all out. This whole illusion about the family and this maestro was destroyed. One of the girls - Ieva - who the shaman touched decided to leave right away and I knew I have to do the same but it was not that easy. Within the month that I've spent there I become good friends with most of the students there, especially with one of the guys who came to speak to me right away when he heard that I want to leave as well. He tried to convince me to give it some time and not leave right away, because I'm not thinking clearly. He was telling how my traumas and sexual experiences have damaged me and this is a way how to heal it all. That I do not understand the level of healing and protection that I'll receive with this act, how important it is for me as a woman. Also, he mentioned that I will surely regret leaving this place now and he emphasized it quite a few times - that I will regret it which made me not feel well, almost like threatening. He said that I don't have to accept it right away and told a story of another girl a year before who went away just like this and came back because she had understood the “truth” after all. 

He convinced me to stay for a day. I felt emotionally exhausted and so confused, I even thought of accepting this initiation for a second. Thankfully I decided to send a message to a good friend of mine from europe who's also studied with the shipibo and has become a very strong healer. I asked her if such an initiation truly is a part of the apprenticeship to which she instantly replied that I need to leave this place asap, and get as far as I can from this predator. She confirmed that these acts are outrageous and that it is not a part of the true shipibo tradition. That is all I needed to hear so the next morning I packed my bags and left. There was not much resistance anymore because I was very sure about leaving now. Thankfully I could join the other girl- Ieva, in the town. She was like an Angel sent to me because I don't know how this would have ended if she wouldn't leave first. I was so deep into the manipulations and illusions, I even was close to accepting the “gift”, my mind was so twisted and confused with all this experience, all the people and the signs and situations that happened during the month. I was close to the abyss of slavery. But all I lost in the end was around 8000 euros - for 3 ceremonies of Ayahuasca and brainwashing. By the way, the Shaman asked to give him our credit cards so he can take off the money himself and he did that very fast so I was left with almost no money - a good price to pay for such a naivete.

When I got out of the camp my mind almost instantly got very clear and it was as if a fog was taken away from my sight. I have never experienced a manipulation like this before and now I see very clearly how they are doing it. Attaching to peoples vulnerabilities, traumas, fears, playing with the egos - offering power and gifts and special statuses. And in the end what I saw in the students was that they are empty and enslaved. They have no lives, no free will, they truly are like slaves living under this massive illusion of “protection” and “healing”. I saw no happiness and true joy in them. It seemed like they are ready to give everything to Roger, he was the only source of truth to them. 

It turned out to be a very long story but I wanted to make it as detailed as I can so you can see how subtly these manipulations work. People like these are very smart and they will notice all your vulnerabilities and use them against you. So never ever be naive and blindly trust shamans, gurus, healers. Don't even trust your friends to claim these healers to be the only true ones. Listen carefully to your intuition and notice the smallest signs of something being off, do not doubt yourself. It is better to be safe than sorry! 

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